Practical measures to reduce single-use plastic

Companies are different from each other so they have to find their own ways to reduce their plastic waste. The following practical measures can help to start the journey and to evolve to further ones.

Tips: Set targets

After conducting your plastic waste measurement, you should reflect about the next steps and set targets which are SMART and help you to reduce plastic waste.

Develop an action plan

The next step after setting SMART targets to reduce plastic waste, an action plan should be created. The measures included here should focus both on short and long run.


The consequences of the use of single-use plastic products show that those products have more negative than positive impacts than reusable ones. That’s why improving processes is better than buying (single-use) products.

General tips on plastic waste reduction

Reducing plastic in your company will not be a short journey, but it will be worth it. The following tips will support you on this journey.