Tool: Plastic Glossary

Tips: Measuring your plastic waste successfully

Measuring your plastic waste can be challenging. Have a look at our to tips how to measure your plastic waste successfully.

Tips: Measures to improve plastic recycling

Tips: Single-use plastic items for housekeeping purposes

Not all alternatives of single-use plastic products used for housekeeping purposes are as sustainable as they seem to be. In the following, alternatives to the most common plastic products and their impact on the environment are presented.

Tips: Single-use plastic items in offices

Not all alternatives of single-use plastic products in offices are as sustainable as they seem to be. In the following, alternatives to the most common plastic products and their impact on the environment are presented.

Tips: Single-use plastic items on tours

Not all alternatives of single-use plastic products used on tours are as sustainable as they seem to be. In the following, alternatives to the most common plastic products and their impact on the environment are presented.

Tips: How to motivate your suppliers

Including sustainability criteria in contracts and evaluating your suppliers are also important steps when working with these stakeholders.

Tips: Team up with your suppliers

Talking to your suppliers about your environmental targets is an important step on your plastic reduction journey. Find out the most relevant topics!

Tips: Practical ways to involve guests

Here, you will find some more practical ways to communicate your strategy right to the guests and create awareness and motivation.

Tips: Evaluation of measurement results

Relating key figures such as the number of your guests and the amount fof consumed plastic items, can help you assessing your measures.